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Master Program in Data Science

Overview of Master Program in Data Science Training Course

  • Our Master's Program in Data Science certification training is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of data science, from data analysis and modeling to machine learning and data visualization. The program is taught by experienced trainers who are experts in the field, ensuring that learners receive high-quality training that is relevant to industry needs.
  • With a focus on practical learning, the program includes hands-on projects and real-world case studies to give learners the skills and experience they need to excel in the field of data science. Upon completion of the program, learners will receive a globally recognized certification that demonstrates their expertise in the field and enhances their career prospects.
  • The program is suitable for anyone who wants to pursue a career in data science, including professionals in the field of analytics, software developers, and business analysts. It is also ideal for individuals who want to upskill or reskill to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving field of data science.

Benefits of learning Master Program in Data Science

  • Our Master's Program in Data Science offers a range of benefits for learners, including:
  • Comprehensive learning: The program covers all aspects of data science, from data analysis and modeling to machine learning and data visualization, providing learners with a holistic understanding of the field.
  • Practical training: With a focus on hands-on projects and real-world case studies, learners gain practical experience that prepares them for the challenges of working in the field of data science.
  • Experienced trainers: Our experienced trainers are experts in the field of data science, providing learners with high-quality training that is relevant to industry needs.
  • Globally recognized certification: Upon completion of the program, learners receive a globally recognized certification that demonstrates their expertise in the field, enhancing their career prospects.
  • Career opportunities: The field of data science is rapidly growing, and there is a high demand for professionals with data science skills. Completing our Master's Program in Data Science opens up a range of exciting career opportunities for learners.

Related job roles


  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Architect
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Applied Machine Learning Engineer
  • Robotics programmer
  • Robotics system engineer
  • Robot design engineer


2000+ Ratings

3000+ Learners

Skills Covered in Master Program in Data Science

Python full coding from scratch
Visualization with Python
Machine Learning with Python - 6 different algorithms
Robotic Automation
Data handling in R Programming
Additional functions of R
Data Analytics with MS-excel
Advanced Analytics with Excel
NLP, DL, XGBoost & other classification techniques with Python
Artificial Neural Network
Introduction to Power BI
Power BI Query Editor

Master Program in Data Science Courses

Why I should be a data scientist?

Because it is rated as one of the top job sectors in terms of career growth opportunities, job satisfaction and pay scale. Furthermore, the demand for data scientists is always high as the number of skilled professionals is comparatively less.

Can I learn data science even if I don’t have any prior knowledge about this field?

Yes, you can learn data science even if you do not have any prior knowledge about this field as we will also take classes on basic concepts of data science.


Master Program in Data Science Training Key Features

5 Guaranteed Interviews
5 Hrs of Practical Learning
Job Placement Assurance
Assignments & Interview Preparation
Professional Resume Building
Live Online/Classroom Sessions
EMI starts from Rs 8500

Master Program in Data Science Videos

Master Program in Data Science

Is the course easy to understand?

Yes, when you have Apponix by your side as we will cover all the basics and deliver even the complex parts of the curriculum in lucid language.

What can I become after completing this course?

You can become – 

  • A Data Analyst
  • A Data Scientist
  • An Analytics Manager/Lead
  • A Machine Learning Engineer
  • A Statistical Programming Specialist

Available Training Options

Online Training


  • Interactive Live Training Sessions
  • 100+ Hrs Practical Live Online sessions 
  • Delivered by Senior Data Scientist
  • 1 Year Access to Recorded Sessions
  • Guaranteed Placement Assurance
  • Weekdays & Weekend batches
  • Authorized IABAC Training Delivery
  • IABAC Certified Data Scientist Exam Voucher (worth Rs 12500)
Enroll Now

Master Program in Data Science Training Syllabus


Before you enroll for Python for Data Science Courses, you need to have basic knowledge of statistics and previous encounters with prominent programming languages such as Python. Secondly, you need to have an analytical mind –that is all you would need to enroll for Statistics For Data Science Courses.

Master Program in Data Science Course Syllabus

Master Program in Data Science
Python full coding from scratch
Visualization with Python
Machine Learning with Python - 6 different algorithms
1. Course Introduction
  • Course Introduction
2. Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
  • Learning Objectives
  • The emergence of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence in Practice
  • Sci-Fi Movies with the concept of AI
  • Recommender Systems
  • Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science - Part A
  • Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science - Part B
  • Definition and Features of Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning Approaches
  • Machine Learning Techniques
  • Applications of Machine Learning - Part A
  • Applications of Machine Learning - Part B
  • Key Takeaways
3. Data Preprocessing
  • Learning Objectives
  • Data Exploration: Loading Files
  • Demo: Importing and Storing Data
  • Practice: Automobile Data Exploration I
  • Data Exploration Techniques: Part 1
  • Data Exploration Techniques: Part 2
  • Seaborn
  • Demo: Correlation Analysis
  • Practice: Automobile Data Exploration II
  • Data Wrangling
  • Missing Values in a Dataset
  • Outlier Values in a Dataset
  • Demo: Outlier and Missing Value Treatment
  • Practice: Data Exploration III
  • Data Manipulation
  • Functionalities of Data Object in Python: Part A
  • Functionalities of Data Object in Python: Part B
  • Different Types of Joins
  • Typecasting
  • Demo: Labor Hours Comparison
  • Practice: Data Manipulation
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end project: Storing Test Results
4. Supervised Learning
  • Learning Objectives
  • Supervised Learning
  • Supervised Learning- Real-Life Scenario
  • Understanding the Algorithm
  • Supervised Learning Flow
  • Types of Supervised Learning – Part A
  • Types of Supervised Learning – Part B
  • Types of Classification Algorithms
  • Types of Regression Algorithms - Part A
  • Regression Use Case
  • Accuracy Metrics
  • Cost Function
  • Evaluating Coefficients
  • Demo: Linear Regression
  • Practice: Boston Homes I
  • Challenges in Prediction
  • Types of Regression Algorithms - Part B
  • Demo: Bigmart
  • Practice: Boston Homes II
  • Logistic Regression - Part A
  • Logistic Regression - Part B
  • Sigmoid Probability
  • Accuracy Matrix
  • Demo: Survival of Titanic Passengers
  • Practice: Iris Species
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: Health Insurance Cost
5. Feature Engineering
  • Learning Objectives
  • Feature Selection
  • Regression
  • Factor Analysis
  • Factor Analysis Process
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • First Principal Component
  • Eigenvalues and PCA
  • Demo: Feature Reduction
  • Practice: PCA Transformation
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis
  • Maximum Separable Line
  • Find Maximum Separable Line
  • Demo: Labeled Feature Reduction
  • Practice: LDA Transformation
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: Simplifying Cancer Treatment
6. Supervised Learning: Classification
  • Overview of Classification
  • Classification: A Supervised Learning Algorithm
  • Use Cases
  • Classification Algorithms
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • Decision Tree: Examples
  • Decision Tree Formation
  • Learning Objectives
  • Choosing the Classifier
  • Overfitting of Decision Trees
  • Random Forest Classifier- Bagging and Bootstrapping
  • Decision Tree and Random Forest Classifier
  • Performance Measures: Confusion Matrix
  • Performance Measures: Cost Matrix
  • Demo: Horse Survival
  • Practice: Loan Risk Analysis
  • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • Steps to Calculate Posterior Probability: Part A
  • Steps to Calculate Posterior Probability: Part B
  • Support Vector Machines: Linear Separability
  • Support Vector Machines: Classification Margin
  • Linear SVM: Mathematical Representation
  • Non-linear SVMs
  • The Kernel Trick
  • Demo: Voice Classification
  • Practice: College Classification
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: Classify Kinematic Data
7. Unsupervised Learning
  • Learning Objectives
  • Overview
  • Example and Applications of Unsupervised Learning
  • Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering: Example
  • Demo: Clustering Animals
  • Practice: Customer Segmentation
  • K-means Clustering
  • Optimal Number of Clusters
  • Demo: Cluster-Based Incentivization
  • Practice: Image Segmentation
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: Clustering Image Data
8. Time Series Modeling
  • Learning Objectives
  • Overview of Time Series Modeling
  • Time Series Pattern Types Part A
  • Time Series Pattern Types Part B
  • White Noise
  • Stationarity
  • Removal of Non-Stationarity
  • Demo: Air Passengers I
  • Practice: Beer Production I
  • Time Series Models Part A
  • Time Series Models Part B
  • Time Series Models Part C
  • Steps in Time Series Forecasting
  • Demo: Air Passengers II
  • Practice: Beer Production II
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: IMF Commodity Price Forecast
9. Ensemble Learning
  • Learning Objectives
  • Overview
  • Ensemble Learning Methods Part A
  • Ensemble Learning Methods Part B
  • Working of AdaBoost
  • AdaBoost Algorithm and Flowchart
  • Gradient Boosting
  • XGBoost
  • XGBoost Parameters Part A
  • XGBoost Parameters Part B
  • Demo: Pima Indians Diabetes
  • Practice: Linearly Separable Species
  • Model Selection
  • Common Splitting Strategies
  • Demo: Cross-Validation
  • Practice: Model Selection
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: Tuning Classifier Model with XGBoost
10. Recommender Systems
  • Learning Objectives
  • Introduction
  • Purposes of Recommender Systems
  • Paradigms of Recommender Systems
  • Collaborative Filtering Part A
  • Collaborative Filtering Part B
  • Association Rule Mining
  • Association Rule Mining: Market Basket Analysis
  • Association Rule Generation: Apriori Algorithm
  • Apriori Algorithm Example: Part A
  • Apriori Algorithm Example: Part B
  • Apriori Algorithm: Rule Selection
  • Demo: User-Movie Recommendation Model
  • Practice: Movie-Movie recommendation
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: Book Rental Recommendation
11. Text Mining
  • Learning Objectives
  • Overview of Text Mining
  • Significance of Text Mining
  • Applications of Text Mining
  • Natural Language Toolkit Library
  • Text Extraction and Preprocessing: Tokenization
  • Text Extraction and Preprocessing: N-grams
  • Text Extraction and Preprocessing: Stop Word Removal
  • Text Extraction and Preprocessing: Stemming
  • Text Extraction and Preprocessing: Lemmatization
  • Text Extraction and Preprocessing: POS Tagging
  • Text Extraction and Preprocessing: Named Entity Recognition
  • NLP Process Workflow
  • Demo: Processing Brown Corpus
  • Practice: Wiki Corpus
  • Structuring Sentences: Syntax
  • Rendering Syntax Trees
  • Structuring Sentences: Chunking and Chunk Parsing
  • NP and VP Chunk and Parser
  • Structuring Sentences: Chinking
  • Context-Free Grammar (CFG)
  • Demo: Twitter Sentiments
  • Practice: Airline Sentiment
  • Key Takeaways
  • Lesson-end Project: FIFA World Cup


Robotic Automation
Data handling in R Programming
Additional functions of R
Data Analytics with MS-excel
Advanced Analytics with Excel
NLP, DL, XGBoost & other classification techniques with Python
Artificial Neural Network
Introduction to Power BI
Power BI Query Editor
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+91 8050580888

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Our Alumni Working in Master Program in Data Science


Certifications & Exam related to Master Program in Data Science

We are certified partner of IABAC.

The International Association of Business Analytics Certification (IABAC™) is a Globally recognized Professional Association dedicated to growing and enhancing the field of applied Data Science and Business Analytics. 

We provide you below exam voucher worth of $220 for free.

Certified Data Scientist Certification (CDS – DS2050)

The International Association for Business Analytics Certification (IABAC®) is a globally recognized professional association dedicated to growing and enhancing the field of applied Data Science and Business Analytics.

IABAC® founding principles are based on Edison Data Science Framework (EDSF), an European commission initiative in the year 2015, to align data science skills to industry requirements. IABAC was founded in 2017 as Netherlands B.V (equivalent of English Private Limited), under the leadership of Mr. Hans Volkers.

IABAC® is the world’s first and largest registered body for global data science and business analytics certifications. IABAC® issued 20,000+ assessment-based certifications for professionals and organisations across the world as on 2020.


You dont need to pay extra for exam, We will give you voucher along with the course.


Our Top Instructors

Career after Master Program in Data Science

  • Our Master's Program in Data Science offers a range of benefits for learners, including:
  • Comprehensive learning: The program covers all aspects of data science, from data analysis and modeling to machine learning and data visualization, providing learners with a holistic understanding of the field.
  • Practical training: With a focus on hands-on projects and real-world case studies, learners gain practical experience that prepares them for the challenges of working in the field of data science.
  • Experienced trainers: Our experienced trainers are experts in the field of data science, providing learners with high-quality training that is relevant to industry needs.
  • Globally recognized certification: Upon completion of the program, learners receive a globally recognized certification that demonstrates their expertise in the field, enhancing their career prospects.
  • Career opportunities: The field of data science is rapidly growing, and there is a high demand for professionals with data science skills. Completing our Master's Program in Data Science opens up a range of exciting career opportunities for learners.

Master Program in Data Science Course Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Python is a programming language that can be interpreted and compiled. It is run using a compiler and then executed by an interpreter.

It is used in the fields of web development, data analysis, machine learning, game development, creating utility scripts, and rapid testing of prototype software.

Yes, compared to other programming languages, the computational time needed for Python to crunch massive numerical calculations is pretty high.

The latest version – Python 3.9.0 is the best version and we use and recommend this version of Python to all our students enrolled in our python certificate program.

When a system uses Artificial Intelligence to learn from past mistakes and take productive decisions in the present and future without taking any help from programmer-written source code then this is known as Machine Learning.

The examples of real-world applications of Machine Learning are as follows -

  • Google’s Assistant in all Android smartphones
  • Apple’s Siri
  • The video recommendation trick of YouTube
  • Driverless cars and many more!

Machine learning is categorised into the following types –

  • Supervised Machine Learning
  • Unsupervised Machine Learning and
  • Reinforcement Machine Learning.

Yes, you would need to be proficient in programming languages like Python if you
want to ace this course.

All the instructors selected by us to teach this robotics automation course are industry experts who are currently working as robotics and automation experts in leading MNCs. The purpose of hiring working professionals as course instructors
is simple – to ensure that the information you are provided with is current and will contain case studies that are recent.

Yes, you would need to be from a technical background in case you want to take this robotics basic course.

The interactive course will take not more than one and a half hours to complete.

You can enrol for this robotics beginner course by making an online payment using your debit or credit card. You can also use your Paypal account to make the payment. As soon as the payment process is completed from your end, your course material access details will be sent to your email ID.

It is the science of raw data analysis in a bid to extract information that can benefit a business or a brand to expand its interests.

Data is –

  • Inspected
  • Cleaned
  • Transformed and
  • Modelled in a bid to extract useful information that ultimately allows a business or brand to
  • make profitable as well as informed decisions.

Data analytics is categorised into –

  • Descriptive data analytics
  • Diagnostic data analytics
  • Predictive data analytics and
  • Prescriptive data analytics

The programming languages commonly used by data analytics experts to fulfil their responsibilities are –

  • R
  • SAS
  • Python
  • Apache Spark with Scala

All courses available online  & Offline classes are available in Bangalore, Pune, Chennai only.

It is mentioned under the training options. Online, Offline & self paced learning course fees differs.

Course duration is 2 months or 60 Hrs Usually daily 2 hrs.

Yes, We provide course completion certificate on web design & development. apart from this there is 1 more certificate called as “ Apponix Certified Professional in Master Program in Data Science”
If you score more than 80% in the exam you will be awarded as “Apponix Certified Professional”

Yes, we provide you the assured placement. we have a dedicated team for placement assistance.

All our trainers are working professional having more than 6 years of relevant industry experience.

Our Recent Placements

Classroom Training

Classroom Training


Master Program in Data Science


  • Data science has become an increasingly important field in today’s world. With the vast amounts of data being generated every day, there is a growing need for professionals who can analyze, interpret, and make informed decisions based on this data. Our Master Program in Data Science Certification Training Course is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of data science, from data analysis and modeling to machine learning and data visualization. In this article, we will discuss why you should take this course, the advantages of completing this certification, why it is becoming more popular, and the job opportunities for Master Program in Data Science professionals in 2023.

Why should you take the Master Program in Data Science Certification Training Course?

  • High demand: Data science is one of the most in-demand fields in today’s job market. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for data scientists is projected to grow by 31% between 2019 and 2029, which is much faster than the average for all occupations.
  • Lucrative salaries: Data science is a well-paying field, with the average salary for a data scientist in the United States being around $120,000 per year. Completing our Master Program in Data Science Certification Training Course can help you qualify for higher-paying positions in the field.
  • Wide range of applications: Data science applies to a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, marketing, and more. This means that completing our Master Program in Data Science Certification Training Course can open up a range of career opportunities for you.
  • Stay competitive: In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to stay competitive and up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques. Completing our Master Program in Data Science Certification Training Course can help you stay ahead of the curve and give you a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Advantages of completing the Master Program in Data Science Certification Training Course:
  • Comprehensive learning: Our Master Program in Data Science Certification Training Course covers all aspects of data science, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of the field.
  • Practical training: With a focus on hands-on projects and real-world case studies, learners gain practical experience that prepares them for the challenges of working in the field of data science.
  • Experienced trainers: Our experienced trainers are experts in the field of data science, providing learners with high-quality training that is relevant to industry needs.
  • Globally recognized certification: Upon completion of the program, learners receive a globally recognized certification that demonstrates their expertise in the field, enhancing their career prospects.

Why is Master's Program in Data Science becoming more popular?

  • Growing demand: As mentioned earlier, the demand for data scientists is growing rapidly, leading to an increased interest in data science courses and certifications.
  • Career opportunities: Data science offers a range of exciting career opportunities, from data analysis to machine learning engineering, making it an attractive field for many individuals.
  • Advancements in technology: Advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, have made data science more accessible and easier to apply to a wide range of industries.
  • High salaries: Data science is a well-paying field, with high salaries attracting more individuals to pursue careers in this field.

Job Opportunities for Master Program in Data Science Professionals in 2023:

  • Data analyst: Data analysts are responsible for collecting, processing, and performing statistical analyses on data. With the vast amounts of data being generated every day, there is a high demand for skilled data analysts.
  • Machine learning engineer: Machine learning engineers are responsible for designing and implementing machine learning models. As companies increasingly rely on machine learning to make informed decisions, the demand for machine learning engineers is expected to grow rapidly.
  • Data scientist: Data scientists are responsible for analyzing and interpreting complex data sets

Who are ideal candidates for this course?

Professionals like –

  • Banking and Finance Professionals
  • IT Professionals
  • Analytics Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Marketing Managers
  • Supply Chain Network Managers
  • Graduates with a Bachelors's or Master’s degree – are the ideal candidates for this course.